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Rules and Expectations

We at The Masters' Lair want to create fun, respectful, and safe environments for all of our players. To help ensure this, we have some rules and expectations that apply to all of our campaigns. Please be sure to read them all and understand that the breaking of a rule and or expectation may result in the Game Master asking you not to return to a campaign. 


This section will outline the rules we as Game Masters expect each player to follow. These apply to sessions and chat forums about the campaigns.

Rule #1:

Respect the other players and the Game Master. We are all here to have fun, not to listen to hate speech, bigotry, or to be made fun of in a malicious fashion. There will be opportunities for some light hearted ribbing, but if it goes too far by any individual, the Game Master reserves the right to ask that player to leave the game. 

Rule #2:

Be on time. We understand that schedules change at random, but we ask that you make sure you are on time for your sessions. 

If you know ahead of time that you are running late or will not be able to attend a session, please contact your Game Master and let them know at least 1 hour ahead of the sessions start.

Rule #3:

The Game Master gets final say. You are allowed to ask questions about rules within a game, however the Game Master will have the final decision as to how a rule will be interpreted within their game. Rules may vary by Game Master, but please respect each Game Master's determination for each rule.

Excessive arguing with a Game Master may result in you being asked to leave the game.


This section will outline the expectations we as Game Masters expect each player to follow. These apply to sessions and in chat forums about the campaigns.

Expectation #1:

Our Game Masters expect to be able to start the campaign on time, so make sure you have whatever you need to be ready.

This includes but is not limited to:

  • Our Game Masters will expect that you have your character sheet ready. If you have any questions concerning your character sheet, be sure to reach out to the Game Master before the start of the session. 

  • If your Game Master informed you either in session or outside of a session that your character leveled up, they will expect your character sheet to reflect that before the start of the next session.

Expectation #2:

Be respectful of other players in session. Our Game Masters expect that all players show each other respect and consideration while they are in session. If the Game Master asks another player what they would like to be doing, respect their opportunity to play the game.

Expectation #3:

We expect you to have all the equipment you need to be a productive member of our campaigns. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • A pair of headphones

  • A computer capable of running the programs your Game Master chooses to run their campaigns on

What you can Expect from your Game Master

Players can expect Game Masters:

  • To be on time. If a Game Master is unable to make a session, they will give all players at least 6 hours notice.

  • To be prepared. Our Game Masters will arrive to each session with content ready for the players. 

  • If your Game Master asked you to provide backstory information, they will incorporate it into the adventure. 

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